Are You Using Company Culture to Your Advantage When Looking for New Candidates?

Are You Using Company Culture to Your Advantage When Looking for New Candidates? post thumbnail image

Company culture has been called the DNA of a workforce – made up of the goals, visions and values of not only an organization, but also every employee who works there. Job seekers today place more importance than ever on cultural alignment as they make a decision where to pursue their careers, so finding talent that embodies your culture is critical.

Without the right cultural fit, an employee will never be completely happy or successful in their role, nor will they achieve their true potential. Those who fail to fit within your company environment are much more likely to leave, in order to find one more congruent with their own beliefs.

Be a Cultural Matchmaker

Personify and communicate your company culture to candidates throughout the hiring process, in order to ensure the right match and eliminate individuals who simply aren’t the right fit. This means looking beyond their education, experience and technical skills – no matter how sterling they may be.

  • Let your culture come through in your job postings. Use the right tone and verbiage to clearly describe your work environment and the profile of an ideal candidate.
  • Make culture an underlying factor as you conduct interviews. Select the right participants and use your company’s unique, authentic features to appeal to leading candidates. Those who respond positively will likely be a good fit.
  • Ask an open-ended question. Steer interviews toward conversations, rather than rigid question-and-answer sessions. Let candidates do most of the talking. Avoid “standard” questions that can result in rehearsed responses. Carefully crafted behavioral questions give applicants the opportunity to think on the spot and speak freely. This allows their personalities to emerge, so you can accurately assess their responses and their work styles.
  • Involve multiple people. Company culture is not limited to one person. More people interviewing will result in a fairer evaluation of cultural alignment, distinguishing this determination from a personal connection of one individual interviewer. Go for a more collaborative process where a number of voices are heard.
  • Show them around. Take leading candidates on a workplace tour. This gives them a better feel for your organization and the teams with which they might be working. It helps you too, as you can see firsthand how well they interact with your current employees.
  • Remember, cultural fit isn’t about hiring people who are all the same. Find your values, visions and goals in individuals from all backgrounds, and build a richly diverse team of talent.

Find the right fit for your business!

As you recruit for cultural fit, it’s important your staffing agency shares your vision, values and goals. With offices nationwide, Frontline Source Group prides itself on getting to know each of our clients and their unique needs and cultures. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more.

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