Recent college graduates have new ideas and a strong understanding of the latest technology, which can make them powerful assets to your company. Their passion and energy can be boundless. Employers who can help these younger workers see a viable, successful career path within their organization have a lot to gain.
Get to Know Generation Z
Members of the Class of 2018 are among the firstborns of Generation Z, with birth years between 1994 and 2010. They:
- are often saddled with significant student loans.
- grew up during the Great Recession and, as a result, are skeptical about Big Business and Big Government.
- tend to be keenly interested in work-life balance and prioritize growth opportunities over salary.
- expect to find and use mentors.
- find technology use second nature, having been raised on video game consoles, smartphones, tablets and laptops.
- are typically flexible, entrepreneurial and realistic.
Their outlooks and expectations differ significantly from those of older workers. consider the following:
- A third would like to retire by age 60.
- A similar percentage want to be managers within five years.
- About 75 percent believe they will have to work harder than those from previous generations in order to have a fulfilling, satisfying professional life.
Insights for Hiring Managers
Be sure your business is competitive in order to land today’s bright, young talent. And, do your part to ensure these professionals continue to grow and develop within your company.
- Have the right programs in place to foster growth. Even in the most basic roles, there’s a need for critical thinking, customer service and problem solving. Organization and attention to detail are essential with any job description.
- Offer training that goes beyond hard, specific job tasks. Training for soft skills will provide important long-term benefits for your organization and its employees.
- Make sure employees have a clear sense of company values. Provide training, mentors and communication that provides mission reinforcement and reinforces your positive culture.
- Never put Gen Z in a corner. People entering the workforce today have different values and goals than their predecessors. They want to be involved in a variety of projects, thus preventing them from getting pigeonholed. Understand what matters most to them, and then create a working environment with those needs in mind.
- Offer the right perks. Top among Generation Z preferences is the ability to set their own work schedules. As long as the work gets done on time, allow as much flexibility as possible. While not unique to new grads, this is especially critical to retaining younger talent, who are more likely to move on for the sake of greater balance.
- Employees want to feel appreciated. This also is more apparent among younger workers, many of whom have been “helicopter-parented” with ongoing recognition throughout their lives. Even small perks like free breakfast once a week or local restaurant discounts can go a long.
Need help hiring for your business?
For success in hiring and retaining the next generation of talent, partner with Frontline Source Group. We’ll help you find the cream of the crop among candidates of all ages, to ensure the right fit for your company and its future growth. Contact us today to learn more.
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