How to Keep Your Employees Focused – Monday Through Friday!

How to Keep Your Employees Focused – Monday Through Friday! post thumbnail image

Despite your best efforts, it can be a struggle to keep employees focused and productive throughout the workday. This signifies a deeper problem than people simply having disorganized thoughts. It means they’re not engaged in what’s going on around them.

What can you do to avoid this negative brain drain and keep team members “in the zone” and focused on the task at hand?

Build Connections

The secret to getting employees more engaged is to become more connected to them. Human connection isn’t just a “nice thing” in the workplace; it’s a must-have.

  • You need to be connected to your employees – and they need to be connected to each other. Begin by getting to know each person as an individual. Talk to them face to face, versus via text or email. Ask them how they’re doing and about their lives outside work. Actively listen to their responses. Then, provide them with opportunities to interact with one another.

Provide Meaningful Context

Most people’s days are so hectic and their jobs so compartmentalized they may miss the larger story of how their work touches the lives of others.

  • Reframe people’s daily tasks with personal context. Tell stories about actual human beings who have been positively affected by their work.
  • People want to be part of something larger than themselves. By connecting on an emotional level, you can take engagement to new heights.

Offer Flexibility

Work/life balance is critical to maintaining employee focus on the job. How can people be expected to perform at their best when their mind is elsewhere?

  • Develop flexible work policies. For instance, allow employees to arrive earlier so they can leave earlier or work the same number of hours over four days instead of five. Or, design options for people to work remotely for at least part of the week.
  • Set clear time-off guidelines. Encourage employees to work with their managers in advance to schedule vacation and personal days. This gives management time to plan and mitigate any potential production losses – and employees will be more focused, knowing they can take off without worry or stress.

Foster Accountability

The smartphone is one of the best – and worst – technological advances of recent years, from a business standpoint. On one hand, it provides immediate access to information and apps that make both life and work easier. But on the other hand, it’s a major source of distraction and an addictive productivity killer.

  • You probably can’t ban cell phones at work, but you can teach employees to be more time accountable. Help them stay focused on work instead of their phones by building this accountability into your hiring process. During interviews, ask questions about how candidates prioritize tasks and manage their time. This will show whether or not they tend to stay focused or veer off track. You’ll grow to recognize those who are better at staying focused.

Ready to Give Your Team a Boost?

Frontline Source Group provides a full range of staffing, employee training and HR consulting services to keep your employees focused and engaged and your talent management strategy on a successful track. Contact us today for more information or to set up an informational presentation.

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