How You Can Stop Employee Negativity in Your Workplace IMMEDIATELY

How You Can Stop Employee Negativity in Your Workplace IMMEDIATELY post thumbnail image

Workplace negativity goes viral almost instantly and can stretch a mile wide via before you know it.

Curbing negativity isn’t the most pleasant part of your job, but it’s inevitable at some point. Or, you may be in a position where you need to advise and coach others on dealing with this issue.

Treating Negativity STAT

The best cure for employee negativity is prevention. But, if that ship has sailed, there are steps you can take to stop the bleeding.

  • Inform the employee about the impact their negativity is having on their co-workers and your business. Use specific examples to strengthen your point, while remaining professional and calm as you begin the conversation.
  • Ask the employee what is causing their negativity. Actively listen to their response, without interrupting or trying to solve the problem right away. Begin by simply hearing them out. This is a critical first step toward a resolution. And, if they have legitimate concerns, you can garner the information you need to make necessary changes.
  • Is the negativity the result of a personal crisis? A devastating event like a divorce or the loss of a close family member can affect every aspect of a person’s life. Knowing what’s happening allows you to offer sympathy or another appropriate expression, or perhaps call attention to your employee assistance program.
  • Focus on solutions. After the employee has had the chance to fully tell their story, shift the focus to how they can change their attitude going forward. Build their self-image and capacity to contribute by emphasizing the positive aspects of their performance. Even during a conversation about a negative topic, reflecting on the positive can be very beneficial.
  • Continue to take the high road in the future. When interacting with the employee, try to compliment them whenever you hear a positive statement or witness them making a good team contribution. As much as possible, reinforce the productive interactions the employee has with co-workers and others.

What if it’s YOU?

Everyone – even the best managers and leading HR superstars – can fall subject to negativity. After all, we’re only human.  Nip this in the bud by owning your attitude and behavior. Then:

  • Stop worrying about whatever is bringing you down. Change your thoughts to something you like or look forward to.
  • Be aware of situations where you find yourself becoming negative. Try to recognize when you are reacting, and avoid your typical negative outburst. You may need to literally step away from people or situations that push your hot button.
  • Think about the best case scenario. You may not be able to change a decision, announcement or development, but you can make the best of it, for yourself and for your team. Ask yourself what you can do to create a more desirable outcome, rather than spending time resisting and complaining.
  • Don’t beat yourself up. Take care of yourself. Clear your mind, take a walk or participate in another healthy activity you enjoy. Focus on the big picture, rather than getting bogged down in the day-to-day.

Partner with the talent management experts at Frontline Source Group!

Addressing all your human capital challenges, including dealing with negativity that may threaten morale and productivity, can be a lot to handle. For the right solutions, contact us today to learn more!

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