Workplace Wellness Activities to Boost You and Your Employees’ Productivity

Workplace Wellness Activities to Boost You and Your Employees’ Productivity post thumbnail image

It makes sense to keep your workforce healthy – a topic that’s always relevant, but perhaps even more so in the thick of one of the worst flu seasons in recent years. In addition to seasonal concerns like influenza, you can help employees combat both acute and chronic health conditions and stay as healthy as possible by communicating, tracking and incentivizing company-wide wellness initiatives and activities.

Here are some steps you can take.

Offer “Lunch and Learn” presentations.

Use lunch hours in your cafeteria or set aside a meeting room to educate employees on wellness topics, including how to make better food choices. You can tie these into health observances throughout the year, such as Mental Health Month in May and American Diabetes Month in November.

  • Start by asking your employees which specific topics would interest them. Then, bring in expert speakers. You also can make these presentations available via video and online.

Hold health screenings.

A number of health conditions go undiagnosed because their symptoms remain silent until they reach dire levels. These include diabetes and hypertension, to name just two.

  • On-site screening programs can provide important peace of mind as they confirm that people are disease free. In the event there is a problem, early detection can literally be a life saver.

Include wellness content in company media.

In your company newsletter and via your website and social media, include timely content on health-related topics. This month, for instance, provide information about cardiac wellness, as February is American Heart Month. And, keep fighting the flu by promoting hand washing and other means of infection control.

  • Use in-house media to share success stories. Profile employees who have reached weight loss goals, stopped smoking, or completed their first half marathon. This will motivate others to strive for and reach milestones of their own.

Increase awareness of your EAP.

Your employees may be under stress due to family problems, psychological disorders, grief, substance abuse, or other issues affecting their mental state. Make sure they know about your EAP and how to take advantage of it.

Offer discounts on wearable devices.

Give your employees the opportunity to purchase a Fit Bit, Garmin or other wearable device at a discounted price. Incorporate the use of these devices into your wellness program. By doing this, in addition to providing a perk, you’re offering an effective physical activity intervention.

Market local initiatives.

Promote wellness runs, walks, yoga and Zumba classes, bike rides and other organized events in your community. Even better, sponsor one or more of them. This is healthy for your employer brand and your reputation as a good corporate neighbor – as well as for your employees.

Kick your workplace into high gear!

One of the nation’s fastest-growing recruitment and talent management agencies, Frontline Source Group can help as you develop wellness incentives and other strategies to build your industry-leading workforce. Contact us today to learn more.

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